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Tuesday 20 March 2012

Racism, Corruption & Police Brutality in the UK-A Simple Question-03-19-...

The failure to properly investigate the death of Stephen Lawrence, a black student who was killed in London in 1993, has left the UK with a police force that has been branded as institutionally racist.

The British police failure to investigate the issue led to an inquiry in 1998 which concluded that the investigation into Stephen's death was marked by professional incompetence and institutional racism in the police force.

Evidence before the inquiry stated that if the color of the victim and the attackers was reversed, the police would have acted very differently.

Not much has changed since then, and it may even be growing worse. Stop and search policies are direct more than ever towards black Britons and less than 10% of the UK police are of ethnic background.

Recently researchers have found that black people are 30 times more likely to be stopped and searched than their white citizens. This edition of A Simple Question asks: is the British police force racist?

Watch this video on our Website: http://www.presstv.com/Program/232533.html

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